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Do you know the meaning of SCI and SCE?


Do you know the meaning of SCI and SCE in color difference meter? We often see that SCI / SCE measurement is included in the relevant parameters of the color difference instrument. What are the effects of these two parameters on the actual measurement of the color difference instrument?
SCI: specific component include refers to the expression method of measuring color including specular reflection light;
The method of measuring specular: exclusive is the method of excluding specular reflection.
The SCI method including specular reflected light is adopted, and its measurement results include all surface reflected light of the object (specular reflection and diffuse reflection). Therefore, the results can objectively represent the appearance color of the object, which is independent of the structure and roughness of the object surface. In other words, SCI mode includes all the light reflected by all objects. The measurement results can truly display the real color properties of the object, and the gloss of the object will not affect the measurement results of color data.

SCI structure

By excluding the specular reflected light SCE, the measured results show the real color seen by human eyes. When the human visual system observes an object, the information received under most conditions is the diffuse light of the object, not the specular reflection. Because the specular reflection light is filtered out, the properties of the object in the three elements of color (light source, object and observer) cannot be truly reflected, so the calculated results are different from SCI mode. Moreover, it is greatly affected by the structure and roughness of the object surface.

SCE structure

Effect of gloss
The structure and roughness of the object surface affect the measurement results of SCE mode, that is, the surface properties of the object will affect the real color seen by human eyes. Even if the object is made of the same material, the color will change due to different surface gloss. For example, in the sample in the figure, the matte parts look lighter, but they are actually the same color.

This is because the sample with rough surface has more diffuse reflection, and the light will be diffusely reflected to different angles. Therefore, when we observe the color of the object from only one angle, we only receive part of the reflected light, so the color looks lighter. Therefore, when measuring such samples, in order to make the data look the same as the object, SCE mode should be adopted, excluding specular light and measuring only diffuse light.
SCI mode is very suitable for color research, development and formula design because it can truly reflect the properties of objects.
SCE mode is more in line with the color seen by human eyes, so it is more suitable for checking whether the production samples on the production line meet the visual color standard.
Ds-700d color difference instrument of color spectrum technology can freely switch SCI and SCE modes.
The two measurement modes are not comparable. Under different needs, you should select the corresponding measurement mode. According to your measurement needs, you can select the corresponding color difference meter.

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