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Color Management
Color management of painting

Color measurement can be carried out for the appearance of coated products to form an accurate standard transmission. Cloud management and QC control of coating color data.

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Color management of powder coatings

After the powder coating is put into the cuvette or powder test box, it can be accurately measured with a desktop spectrophotometer.

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Color management of fluorescent coatings

It can realize the accurate measurement of fluorescent paint. The pulse xenon lamp with wider spectral range is adopted, which is suitable for the measurement of advertising paint, toy paint, bicycle baking paint and so on.

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Color management of road traffic signs / car interiors

It can exclude the specular light on the texture surface and accurately measure the color data close to the visual perception color. It is suitable for coil coating, road traffic signs, automobile interior decoration, etc.

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Color management of rock color paint and real stone paint

The color and spectral data of each point in the whole image can be obtained to compare the color difference and realize the reproduction of complex colors; The texture of the material surface can also be analyzed.

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Color management of automotive paint repair

Multi angle colorimeter can be used to accurately measure the color of metallic paint and finish paint. According to the automobile paint data measured by the instrument, an intuitive guidance for paint repair and color matching is given.

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Gloss management
Gloss management of cosmetic products

It can accurately measure the appearance and luster of coated products, with one key measurement and intuitive data; Dg60 series gloss meter has automatic calibration function, which makes measurement faster and supports continuous measurement.

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Road traffic marking spectrophotometer, Hangzhou CHNSpec is preferred
Computer color matching
Color matching management

The software gradient model can be customized according to the base material and colorant used by customers to realize the color reproduction quickly and accurately.

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